Thursday, August 30, 2012

CPN Holiday Schedule - Labor Day

Please note CPN will be closed, Monday, September 3rd to observe Labor Day.

If your company's scheduled reimbursement processing date falls on the date above, please see the below payment schedule.

  • Claims received no later than 8:00a.m., CDT, Friday, August 31st, will be processed the same day.
  • Claims will also be processed on Tuesday, September 4th.

Thank you and CPN wishes you all a great and safe Labor Day weekend.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Upcoming 2013 CPN Renewal Information

This notification is addressed to Debit Card Clients who are on a calendar year plan year (January to December) ONLY
If your plan year is not on a calendar year, you may delete this notification.

CPN will begin to send 2013 Calendar Year Renewal Packets via email in the next few weeks. Everyone should receive their renewal packet no later than October 15th. If you do not, please contact Katherine Reder via email

Below are some very important reminders for you as well as helpful information you may want to communicate to your participants.

Unreimbursed Medical Maximum
IRS max set limit at $2,500

As you know, the IRS has set the maximum limit on Health Unreimbursed Flexible Spending Accounts at $2,500 effective January 1, 2013. For companies whose 2012 FSA maximum are currently set over $2,500, you will notice your FSA maximum has been lowered to the new amount in your 2013 renewal packet. Those with limits already set at $2,500 or lower, will be fine. However, if any client needs to make changes to your maximum amounts, please contact Katherine Reder.

2012 Card Request Deadline

The deadline to order 2012 take care® cards for new hires, etc. will be October 31, 2012. Keep in mind, any new hire information you send CPN on or after October 31st, they will be required to submit paper claims and request reimbursement from their 2012 account.

“Dates of Service” Reminder

Please remind participants they cannot use their 2013 take care card to pay for 2012 dates of service*. This will require the charge amount to be adjusted, and the participant will be responsible for paying CPN back. This is the most commonly seen occurrence and CPN cannot stress its importance enough. If the amount is not paid back by the employee, the employer will be invoiced for the balance due amount.

*“Dates of Service” Reminder with 2 ½ Month Claims Extension on Medical FSA Plan

Participants who enroll in the FSA for 2013 and still have 2012 FSA money left, may use their take care card to pay for services, and funds will be deducted from their 2012 monies (if available) but only until 3-15-2013.

IMPORTANT: Participants must keep up with their 2012 FSA balance. If they use their take care card to pay for a 2012 dates of service in the 2013 plan year, and the charge amount is greater than their 2012 FSA available balance, the difference will be deducted from their 2013 FSA, which is not allowed and will be adjusted requiring the participant to pay back to CPN.

During this 2 ½ month extension, the card may be use for 2013 dates of service as well, but if funds are available in the participant’s 2012 FSA, it will pay from the 2012 FSA first until the balance goes to zero ($0.00) – this is OK, but keep in mind, if a participant swipes for a 2013 date of service and uses all their 2012 FSA money, and then comes up with a 2012 date of service bill they need to pay, they will not be able to claim this expense because their 2012 FSA balance will at that point be zero ($0.00).

Pending IRS-verification on charges made on a prior account

Participants need to check their MyFlexOnline account by going to to see if they have any charges requiring IRS-verification. They may view this list from their “pending payments” screen. If their current plan year card is placed on suspension due to pending itemized statements or Explanation of Benefits, this will also cause their “future” card status to remain suspended until their prior plan year has been addressed.

Thank you for allowing CPN to be your plan administrator and we look forward to yet another great year.

CPN Management